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Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus

Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) if not managed properly can lead to the occurrence of a variety of chronic complications , such as cerebrovascular disease ( eg : stroke ) , coronary heart disease , vascular disease in the legs , complications in the eyes , kidneys and nerves . If blood sugar levels can always be controlled well , it is expected that all chronic complications can be prevented , at least slightly inhibited .
  Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus

To achieve the above objective , the management of diabetes mellitus step is to conduct the management of DM 5 main pillars :

1 . meal planning

 2 . Physical exercise 
3 . Anti- diabetic drugs 
4 . Monitoring blood sugar 
5 . education

Eating plan
  Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus

Actually diet for people with diabetes is the same as the advice to eat healthy for everyone , including non- DM , which are foods with balanced nutrition .
What is meant by eating a nutritionally balanced diet is to eat a variety of foods for each type of foods containing certain nutrients .

 The most important thing is the food we eat contains :

  • Self- energy substance ( carbohydrate ) : rice , maize , wheat , cassava , sago , noodles
  • Self builder substances ( proteins and fats ) : tempeh , tofu , eggs , fish , chicken , meat , milk .   
  • Food builder substances necessary for the growth and development of a person's intelligence . 
  • Self- regulating substances ( vitamins and minerals ) : vegetables and fruits .
  • Food regulators needed to expedite the work function of organs .

Physical exercise

  Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus
 Physical exercise on the DM major role in blood sugar regulation . It is also useful to improve fitness , lose weight or reduce excess body fat , and improve heart and lung function .
Physical exercise is recommended for people with diabetes is a type of aerobic such as brisk walking , light running , climbing stairs , cycling , swimming , aerobic gymnastics , dancing and playing rope . To obtain the expected recommended regular physical exercise 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes each time .

Anti- Diabetic Drugs

When the step -by-step eating plan and physical exercise have not been well controlled blood sugar well , followed by new measures of drug use . The doctor will prescribe an anti- diabetic drug in accordance with the needs of each person .

Anti- diabetic drugs are generally divided into 2 types, namely oral anti-diabetic medications ( tablets eaten ) and insulin ( a drug that is injected under the skin ) . Existing anti-diabetic drug tablets vary and how it works in the body is also different . The doctor will prescribe according to how your display conditions . More information about diabetes medications can be obtained on educational materials about diabetes drugs and insulin .

  Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus

The goal is the use of drugs to help control blood sugar levels . Hence step eating plan and physical exercise should not be terminated . 
The use of drugs without these two steps will not make good blood sugar under control .

Monitoring Blood Sugar

 Monitoring metabolic status of people with diabetes is important and as part of the management of DM . The results of this monitoring are used to assess the benefits of treatment and to guide adjustments diet , physical exercise , and medications to achieve blood sugar levels as normal as possible and avoid a state of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia .

People with diabetes are encouraged to perform self- monitoring of blood sugar at home . The frequency of blood glucose measurement per person varies depending on the level of blood sugar control , respectively . When blood sugar control is not good ( often above normal : more than 180 mg / dl or too low : below 80 mg / dl ) , blood sugar checks should be more frequent .


  Living Healthy with Diabetes Mellitus

 Education for diabetes management plan is essential to obtain maximum results . Education is education and training in the knowledge and skills for people with diabetes that aims to support changes in behavior ( lifestyle ) to improve the understanding of people with diabetes will be the disease , which is necessary to achieve optimum good health , and psychological state of adjustment and a better quality of lifeSehbungan to that of people with diabetes are encouraged to participate in education classes can be held individually ( individual ) or group . Education through a group of people with diabetes and their families can exchange their thoughts or experiences in controlling diabetes in order to reduce psychological stress . 

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